What is PPK?

PPK it is shorcut of Employee Capital Plans. It is a government program which goal is to encourage individuals employed in Poland to save additional funds until they reach the age of 60.


How it works?

Participation in the program occurs automatically starting from the 3rd month of employment, with a contribution of 2% deducted from the employee's salary.

 Additionally, the employer contributes 1.5% of the salary each month, and the government contributes once a year.

The program is voluntary, and individuals have the right to resing form it, remain under the specified conditions, or increase the contribution amount to the PPK.

Detailed information

For detailed information and document templates related to the PPK program, please visit the following address: https://www.mojeppk.pl/


For any questions, we encourage you to contact PPK experts at the dedicated number:

+48 801 122 212 - available in Polish or English.